Center for Qualified CyberSecurity Excellence & Mastery

"Where Qualified Cyber Education Happens"

Linux Skills and Linux Security

This fast-paced, hands-on class will teach you how to secure UNIX and lock down Linux to protect a system from compromise. You'll learn how the attacks work and how to use hard-core hardening to defeat the bulk of them. You'll learn how to take your machines to a state of minimum necessary risk. This hands-on class teaches you how to tighten all major aspects of the operating system for security, balancing this with the purpose of the system and the needs of your organization. You'll learn how to tune kernel and operating system parameters, deactivate components, and tighten the components that remain. You'll examine major server applications tightening, including Apache, Sendmail, WU-FTPd, vsftpd, and BIND. Along the way, you'll understand how external and internal actors use privilege escalation and how you can lessen their odds of gaining root. You'll also learn to apply key security concepts, from defense-in-depth to least privilege to risk evaluation, to determine what actions you should take and in what order of priority.

Class Fee: $3,990
Time: 72 hrs
Learning Level: Entry
Contact Hours: 40 hr 1 wk + 32 hr pre-study & 2hr exam
Prerequisites: Understanding of TCP/IP Protocols
Credits: 72 CPE / 3 CEU
Method of Delivery: Residential (100% face-to-face) or Hybrid
Instructor: TBD
Method of Evaluation: 95 % attendance 2. 100 % completion of Lab
Grading: Pass = Attendance+ labs & quizzes Fail > 95% Attendance

Sample Job Titles:
Information Assurance (IA) Operational Engineer
Information Assurance (IA) Security Officer
Information Security Analyst/Administrator
Information Security Manager or Specialist
Information Systems Security Engineer
Information Systems Security Manager
Platform Specialist/ Security Administrator
Security Analyst/ Security Control Assessor
Security Engineer


This accelerated class is taught using face to face modality or hybrid modality [excluding veterans using the Veterans Education benefits, can only attend in the face to-face modality]. Class includes 72 hours of contact studies, labs, reading assignments and final exam - passing the final exam is a requirement for graduation.

Who Should Attend: System administrators, security administrators, Security auditors. Unix box owners. Anyone who has a vested interest in keeping their systems from being compromised. This course targets system or network administrators and security admins/auditors with an understanding of Unix commands and basic operating system functions. While others are welcome, complete lack of familiarity is too great a burden to overcome in 72 hr class.

Text Materials: labs, SU Pen Testing & Linux Testing Materials, resource CD’s and attack handouts.Machines a Dual Core 4M Ram, 350 Gig drives, running MS OS, linux, and VMWare Workstation Tools for class -Whois, Google Hacking, Nslookup , Sam Spade, Traceroute , NMap , HTTrack , Superscan , Nessus, PSTool, Nbtstat, Solarwinds ,Netcat , John the ripper , Nikto/Wikto ,Web Scarab , HTTP Tunnel (hts.exe) , LCP  ,Cain and Abel, Ettercap system hacking ,John the Ripper Wireshark  sniffers, TCP dump, D sniff , tcpdump, Metasploit, ISS exploit, web app,Core Impact , Snort , Infostego, Etherape ,Firefox with plugins (Hackbar, XSSme...) ,, ebgoat, X Wget, Cyrpto tool, 'Curl'

KU Outcomes:



Grades - All students must ordinarily take all quizzes, labs, final exam and submit the class practical in order to be eligible for a Q/ISP, Q/IAP, Q/SSE, or Q/WP credential unless granted an exception in writing by the President. Books - No books are required for this course. However, you may want to supplement your preparation for or review of some lectures with self-assigned readings relevant to those lectures' content from either of the books below.