Center for Qualified CyberSecurity Excellence & Mastery

"Where Qualified Cyber Education Happens"

Hands-on Tactical Security skills training is what you want to achieve secure networks and secure information - learning how to hack and secure networks in today's world is about staying ahead of the hackers. No organization can fight back against cyber-attacks if their security and system administration staff does not know how the most current attacks are launched and the technical details that allow the attacks to be blocked."
This Intense 72 hour Q/EH® Qualified/ Ethical Hacker class provides you with basic understanding of the hacking skills and tools required to determine potential security weakness in your organization. This class is your next class after Security+ and before CISSP®. Be ready for SERIOUS tactical hands-on labs with advanced Ethical Hacker skills learning how to defend networks from cyber-attack. Step up to Qualified with the Q/EH® Certification. SU courses and certificate programs of mastery are designed to provide you with an immersive learning experience -- from hands-on workshops, certifications, with deep dives on a particular cyber security topic or technology. Every class is structured to give you expertise in critical areas that you can immediately put to use.

- DoD Navy 'P Sparks IAM' - "I sat through SU's Q/EH® class which was fairly impressive and asked a large number of questions concerning their other SUT Exams. Looking at the challenges that the DOD is attempting to address, the Q/ISP strikes me as more appropriate than most of the current SUT Exams. This course/exam group is multi-functional, each section dealing with a very IA oriented goal/need. The Q/PTL® which is part of the Q/ISP® Q/SA® requires a written test, a three hour examination of a specialized test scenario (also graded) and two months of lab time to complete a full assessment report. One of the student reports was 20 pages in length. Definitely a high level of competence to receive a certification."

"Yes. Please quote me, the instructor was great, he was very knowledgeable. I had CEH™ and CHFI™ training from another vendor and I did receive certification but I wish I had attended your classes instead, I would have learned much more."
No death by power point - the Q/EH® study guide engages you in real world scenarios, no old hacking tools, like other Ethical Hacking classes. More than 35 hands-on tactical security labs to ensure you’re qualified and validated to defend networks from cyber threats.

Class Fee: $3,990
Time: 72 hrs
Learning Level: Entry
Contact Hours: 40hr 1 wk + 32 hr pre-class study & 2hr exam
Prerequisites: Understanding of TCP/IP Protocols
Credits: 72 CPE / 4 CEU
Method of Delivery: Residential (100% face-to-face) or Hybrid
Instructor: TBD
Method of Evaluation: 95 % attendance 2. 100 % completion of Lab
Grading: Pass = Attendance+ labs & quizzes Fail > 95% Attendance

Sample Job Titles:
Blue Team Technician
Certified TEMPEST Professional
Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority
Close Access Technician
Computer Network Defense (CND) Auditor
Compliance Manager /Ethical Hacker
Governance Manager/ Information Security Engineer/ Internal Enterprise Auditor
Network Security Engineer/ Penetration Tester
Red Team Technician/ Reverse Engineer
Risk/Vulnerability Analyst
Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Technician/ Vulnerability Manager

This accelerated class is taught using face to face modality or hybrid modality [excluding veterans using the Veterans Education benefits, can only attend in the face to-face modality]. Class includes 72 hours of contact studies, labs, reading assignments and final exam - passing the final exam is a requirement for graduation.

Text Materials: labs, SU Pen Testing Materials, resource CD’s and attack handouts.Machines a Dual Core 18M Ram, T Gig drives, running MS OS, linux, and VMWare Workstation

Tools for class - Whois, Google Hacking, Nslookup , Sam Spade, Traceroute , NMap , HTTrack , Superscan , Nessus, PSTool, Nbtstat, Solarwinds ,Netcat , John the ripper , Nikto/Wikto ,Web Scarab , HTTP Tunnel (hts.exe) , LCP  ,Cain and Abel, Ettercap system hacking ,John the Ripper Wireshark  sniffers, TCP dump, D sniff , tcpdump, Metasploit, ISS exploit, web app,Core Impact , Snort , Infostego, Etherape ,Firefox with plugins (Hackbar, XSSme...) ,, ebgoat, X Wget, Cyrpto tool, 'Curl'

KU Outcomes:

Learning Objectives: